Webalizer statistics enable you to view the number of hits, page counts, and visits your website has had.
Note the following:
Hits - Any request made to the server which is logged. This could be for a file, a page, an image or a piece of coding.
Pages - The number of 'pages' requested only, and does not include the other elements that constitute the page. What actually constitutes a 'page' can vary from server to server.
Visits - The number of times your website has been visited (from an IP address), separated by a default one-hour timeout. So if a user visits your site at 1:00pm, and then returns at 3:00pm, two visits would be registered.
To view Webalizer statistics:
- Click on the Webalizer button within the Metrics section of the cPanel home page.
- Click the relevant link to view statistics for your domain on either the http or https protocols.